We are beginning a new series to consider policy questions that will be addressed by the Chapel Hill and Carrboro Town Councils in the next two years. As we always do at Triangle Blog Blog, we will offer our opinions, but we’ll also point you to primary source documents so you can make your own […]
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Interview: CHCCS School Board Candidate Allison Willis
Spanish/Espanol As we noted in our post about vetting school board candidates, we have sent questionnaires to each school board candidate and are publishing them in the order received. Questions were compiled by board members of both Triangle Blog Blog and Bridging the Gap, and attendees of a four-part community read and discussion series on […]
What did we learn in the Democratic forum with Chapel Hill’s candidates for Mayor and Council?
On September 14, the Democratic Women of Orange County, the African American Caucus of Orange County, and UNC YoungDems hosted a 90-minute forum with candidates for Chapel Hill Mayor and Town Council. It was my first chance to see the candidates in action. Here are some interesting tidbits: Dems ain’t trying to hear from non-Dems […]
Factcheck: A new CHALT blog post is chock-full of factual errors
Labor Day marks the traditional beginning of the municipal election campaign season—one of our favorite times of the year. And earlier this week the Chapel Hill Alliance for a Livable Town (CHALT) launched a new website. CHALT is an “anti-development community group” that has “opposed nearly every major development proposal” in Chapel Hill since its […]
Pick one: Allow denser development in town, or cut down more trees
People in town who are generally opposed to any changes in Chapel Hill, such as the leadership of Chapel Hill Alliance for a Livable Town (CHALT) and like-minded town residents, have recently shared two comments about the nature of our changing and fast-growing region that are difficult to square. First, we saw comments about the […]
Connecting Carrboro: Rethinking the way we structure our traffic and roads
The Town has put together a lot of information related to both of these items, including a nice timeline of the various discussions and decisions around the Carrboro Connector Roads policy – this policy has been in place since 1985 and has had many instances where exceptions were made based on the concerns of residents. […]