Posted inDowntown, Bike and Walk, Chapel Hill, Connectivity, Transportation

Why do we need a vision for mobility in downtown Chapel Hill?

Last November, the Chapel Hill Town Council committed $500,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to a “Streetscape Enhancement Mobility Plan,” that would focus on how people move around downtown. In February, the town selected Toole Design, a national streetscape design firm that has offices in Raleigh, to conduct a study of downtown streets. […]

Posted inGreenway, Carrboro, Carrboro Town Council, Transportation, Uncategorized

Bolin Forest Climate Action: The latest in the misinformation campaign against Carrboro’s Greenway

We came across a brand new website earlier this week — a website so new, it’s not quite finished. It’s called “Bolin Forest Climate Action,” and appears to be created by the Friends of Bolin Creek, the anti-greenway organization that has stymied Carrboro’s plans to add a 10-foot-wide path along the existing sewage easement along […]

Posted inGreenway, Carrboro, Carrboro Town Council

A new petition against the Bolin Creek Greenway is riddled with misinformation

A new petition has started circulating from Friends of Bolin Creek, the anti-greenway group that has stalled Carrboro’s efforts to build out a 10-foot paved path along an existing 30-foot-wide sewage easement along Bolin Creek. A paved path already exists in Chapel Hill along Bolin Creek, and similar greenways exist in Hillsborough, Durham, Raleigh, Cary […]