At present, the Town of Chapel Hill spends millions of dollars a year to subsidize parking downtown, millions that could be better spent on ending homelessness, supporting affordable housing, building a splash pad, completing a greenway, funding more bus service, or a dozen other things.
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Housing: Eight things we learned from Jenny Schuetz
This is one of our biggest problems: we just don’t build enough houses where people want to live.
Six facts the latest CHALT blog post gets wrong
This piece was written by Melody Kramer, Caroline Dwyer, Martin Johnson and John Rees. We hadn’t intended to spend so much time pointing out misinformation circulating in Chapel Hill, but we feel it’s important that our community have high-quality and accurate information on what’s happening with local civic affairs. And so we head back to […]
Lunch Links: May 27, 2022
Happy Friday, y’all! Here are a few articles that the Triangle Blog Blog crew have discussed or shared in the last 24 hours. Have ideas? Leave us a note in the Twitter comments! And have a fantastic weekend! We’ll catch you on the other side… Our friends down the (multiuse) trail in Charlotte are taking […]
Zoning reform should be a priority in Chapel Hill
Zoning reform matters for housing affordability, racial equity, environmental sustainability, and economic growth. The Chapel Hill Town Council should be moving faster on reform, not discussing ways to slow it down. Last week, the Chapel Hill Town Council held a work session where they discussed, among other things, the town’s plans to rewrite its land use […]
Greene Tract
“How long shall we stand? As long as there is a need to correct an injustice.” This week, the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro and Orange County will consider adopting a resolution approving a draft recombination plat (map) and conceptual plan for 164-acres jointly owned by the three parties, known as the Greene Tract. […]