Posted inChapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, Things to do with kids

Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Planning to Replace 3 Existing Schools

If you have children in the CHCCS schools or have been following the situation regarding the condition of some of the schools, you are probably aware that a planning process has been taking place. As we wrote about a year ago, some of the schools are in bad shape, and either need refurbishment or replacing. […]

Posted inBike and Walk, Bike Beat, Greenway, Things to do with kids

What’s in a name? Two bicycle non profits are merging- help choose a new name!

Two local bicycle non profits are merging. Bike Carrboro and the Bicycle Alliance of Chapel Hill are in the planning phases of merging. The two organizations are joining forces under a new name and an updated mission. For the month of February, they are seeking suggestions for a new name!They will vote on the final […]

Posted inAffordable Housing, Events, Events around town, Helping neighbors

Time is running out! Register for EMPOWERment inc annual fundraiser

Looking for a way to have some dress up fun, and help an awesome local non-profit? You still have time to register for EMPOWERment Inc “Valentines at the Cotton Club” social. This event helps them raise funds and awareness for affordable housing. This is a fancy event! Elegant Attire is expected. The evening will feature […]