Tomorrow is the 2024 primary election in North Carolina. Polling places will be open 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
How to find your polling place in North Carolina
To find your polling place, enter your first name, last name, and county in the NC Voter Search. Click on your name and scroll down to the section called “Your Voting Location.”
National and state-wide
We have rounded up all endorsements received by all candidates that you can expect to see on the Democratic ballot in Orange County. All Democrats will receive this ballot, as well as unaffiliated voters who select the Democratic ballot in the primary. You may vote for one in each race. We have endorsed both Democrats running for Attorney General.
Our endorsements are:
President – Joe Biden (D)
Governor – Josh Stein (D)
Lt. Governor – Rachel Hunt (D)
Attorney General – Satana Deberry (D) and Jeff Jackson (D)
NC Commissioner of Insurance – Natasha Marcus (D)
NC Superintendent of Public Instruction – Mo Green (D)
NC Treasurer – Wesley Harris (D)
NC Supreme Court Associate Justice – Allison Riggs (D)
- Meet the Democrats running for NC’s Supreme Court and NC’s Court of Appeals
- Endorsement guide for NC Democrats
Orange County
If you live in Chapel Hill or Carrboro, you will be voting in statewide races. If you live in Orange County outside of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, you will also be voting for school board. Triangle Blog Blog endorses Carrie Doyle, Jennifer Moore, and Wendy Padilla for Orange County School Board. Doyle, Moore and Padilla have also picked up endorsements from Indyweek, Public School Strong Voters, and the Orange County Association of Educators. Former Hillsborough Mayor Jenn Weaver and former Orange County School Board member Hillary MacKenzie have also endorsed this slate.
Show me my sample ballot if I’m voting in the Democratic Primary
This is your sample ballot if you live in Chapel Hill and Carrboro. This is your sample ballot if you live in Orange County District 2.
You can find your sample ballot by going to the Voter Search and searching for your name.
These endorsements were made by Triangle Blog Blog’s board.