For six years, the AARP have been giving out Community Challenge Grants to communities across the country “The AARP Community Challenge provides small grants to fund quick-action projects that can help communities become more livable for people of all ages.” They are great to have, and we need to thank the town for submitting the grant. Anyone who has had to write and submit grants knows that they can be time consuming. 

  • What: Community Kickoff Event
  • When: This Saturday the 26th : 10AM – 4PM
  • Where: 86 North Apartments, 200 Westminster Drive
  • Activities for kinds and families, traffic garden food , giveaways

For 2023, the Town of Chapel Hill was a recipient of the Community Challenge, which in total was 3.6 million dollars for 310 communities.

To celebrate and to the award and to kick off the school year, the town is holding an event this Saturday, August at the 86 North Apartments, 200 Westminster Drive. There will be a traffic garden, other activities, food and giveaways.

A child using a traffic garden at Carrboro Open Streets
Traffic Garden

Chapel Hill will use grant funds to install pedestrian refuge medians and traffic calming apparatus to help prevent deaths and serious injuries to pedestrians.


In the last municipal election cycle, we helped increase turnout by over 20 percent. We're all volunteers who care deeply about Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and we're working to make Chapel Hill and Carrboro more vibrant, accessible, fun, and sustainable.  Please consider a small donation to help us keep our digital lights on, host events, and hire students to do data deep-dives.

John Rees lives in Chapel Hill. His day job is an enterprise architect for a big IT company. He was, until very recently, a member of the Chapel Hill Planning Commission and former chair. He serves on...