An artist depiction of Planning Commissioner Jon Mitchell, wielding the power of the pole for the first time
An artist depiction of Planning Commissioner Jon Mitchell, wielding the power of the pole for the first time

We are in that post Christmas-Hanukkah period. Perhaps, nursing hangovers from too much spiked eggnog, looking at that ugly sweater your in-laws regifted you, or pretending to work today. Whatever you have been doing, we know that there has been a lingering question in the back of your mind since December 21st.  “Who got the Festivus Pole?” 

Admit it, this unanswered question might have even hampered your Christmas Eve celebrations. Worry no more, as we are about to reveal who got the Chapel Hill Planning Board’s Festivus Pole next. It’s quite possible you are now asking yourself “What the hell is this Festivus nonsense they are going on about?”. The details are here, the Festivus Pole tradition is long and hallowed.  

Planning Commissioner, Louie Rivers - and , perhaps more importantly, Festivus pole recipient carrying his son on a hike
Planning Commissioner, Louie Rivers – and , perhaps more importantly, Festivus pole recipient carrying his son on a hike

The next holder of this sacred piece of galvanized pipe is: Jon Mitchell

It is the sacred tradition that the current holder of the Festivus pole chooses the next recipient (there has been rare occasions where the pole, itself has chosen). In this case, former Planning Commissioner Louie Rivers has selected current Planning Commissioner, Jon Mitchell to be the recipient. In a secret, guerrilla mission, right out of an episode of “La Femme Nikita” the pole was clandestinely delivered to the recipient on the evening of December 21st.

An artist depiction of Planning Commissioner Jon Mitchell, wielding the power of the pole for the first time
An artist depiction of Planning Commissioner Jon Mitchell, wielding the power of the pole for the first time

Update 12/27 :We have heard from Jon Mitchell and here is what he shared:

I am honored to be this year’s recipient of the Festivus pole. I have aired all relevant grievances, performed feats of strength, and will pass the torch (I mean pole) next year to a worthy recipient. I would also like to note that the pole is remarkably well made (commercial grade galvanized pipe). Thank you.

Until next year – may your grievances be aired and your feats of strength performed.

John Rees lives in Chapel Hill. He was, until very recently, a member of the Chapel Hill Planning Commission and former chair. He serves on the board of the Bicycle Alliance of Chapel Hill, and is also...