If you work in RTP, this Thursday is an opportunity to clean out your closet of old electronic devices. The RTP Sustainability Committee, in conjunction with Kramden Institute, will be holding an electronics recycling drive from 8:30 until 1:00PM
I have been a volunteer on this committee since 2016 or so. Our goal has been to improve the wildlife habitats, drive more sustainable practices with RTP tenants and to sustain RTP’s trails, which are lined with bluebird boxes. While I am now retired from IBM, I continue to serve on this committee.
- When: Thursday – November 14
- From 8:30AM – 1:00 PM
- 300 Park Offices Dr. RTP
Take a look at the flyer for details on what is being accepted and what isn’t. Also look here for the donation form if you want to prepare it in advance. If not, volunteers will be ready to assist. Also know that your donations will help Kramden continue it’s mission of advancing equitable access to devices, connectivity, & technology education

Every year, we receive thousands of pounds of donations. What cannot be refurbished, re used or parted out, gets recycled in a sustainable way. Money from all of this goes directly back to Kramden. These events would not be possible without coordination and assistance from the RTP foundation. Thanks to Travis and everyone at the foundation!
Come on by Thursday and clean your closets in a sustainable way!

Some of the haul from a previous drive in RTP