There are two people running for town council in Carrboro, Cristobal Palmer and Isaac Woolsey.
Town council is a non-partisan race, which means political affiliation is not present on the ballot. Understanding the political affiliation of candidates is still important, particularly given what’s at stake in the forthcoming 2024 election. Palmer is a Democrat who has volunteered for his precinct for years. Woolsey was a registered Republican from September 23, 2019 through September 5, 2024 when he switched his party registration to the No Labels Party.
Using data from the Orange County Board of Elections, we have created a spreadsheet where you can examine:
- The party registration and primary voting history of each candidate running in this year’s municipal election
- Whether or not candidates voted in past municipal elections
We will publish interviews with the candidates soon. We previously published spreadsheets looking at candidate voting history for the 2023 municipal election cycle as well as an endorsement guide for the 2021 municipal election cycle.