Last December, Carrboro’s Town Council voted to hold a special election this upcoming November to replace the council seat held by now-mayor Barbara Foushee. That means the election for the Carrboro town council seat will coincide with the elections for governor and president. (We wrote about this here.)

Cristóbal Palmer (l) and his partner filed on June 14th. (Picture courtesy of Palmer campaign)

On Friday, Cristóbal Palmer filed to run for the open council seat. Palmer, the first to file for the seat, has contributed a few pieces to Triangle Blog Blog about the need for Carrboro to have a SeeClickFix service like Chapel Hill, and ways to make our communities safer for senior citizens to get around.

In his statement released over the weekend, Palmer said “I grew up in Carrboro and I’m raising my kids here too. So I know how this town has changed over the decades and I know the challenges we face. I’m running for Town Council because I care deeply about our town’s budget, how we use our land, and how we support our residents from the youngest members of our community to the people who have lived here for decades. I believe in the Carrboro Connects Comprehensive Plan, which gives us a vision for connecting every neighborhood to resources like schools and workplaces and making it easier for people of all ages to get around town.”

Palmer is bilingual and has been a long-time volunteer in the local Democratic Party. He has served on the boards of the Carrboro Bicycle Coalition and the Triangle Linux Users Group.


In the last municipal election cycle, we helped increase turnout by over 20 percent. We're all volunteers who care deeply about Chapel Hill and Carrboro, and we're working to make Chapel Hill and Carrboro more vibrant, accessible, fun, and sustainable.  Please consider a small donation to help us keep our digital lights on, host events, and hire students to do data deep-dives.

Melody Kramer is a Peabody-award winning journalist whose work has appeared on NPR and member stations around the country, as well as in publications ranging from National Geographic to Esquire Magazine....