We ran into Tom Smith at the Carrboro Music Festival, where he was demonstrating his project. We asked him to write an article about his first workshop. That was so popular, Tom is back, and here is a writeup on his second workshop. Check it out
Learn to produce the world’s best soil amendment, help to save the planet and have fun doing it. Our first workshop in November went well. Read all about it in the previous article here. It’s actually two separate workshops: the first is basic information on worms and vermicomposting – the second is how to. If it turns out not your thing you can just stay for the first.

The workshop is free to all. Carrboro residents get a bonus: free worms and worm bins (offered on a self-accessed sliding scale). This offer won’t be around for much longer.
Vermicomposting is fun and easy. It can be done indoors or outside. If you don’t have use for the vermicompost you can donate it to a community garden. What’s not to like?
Get questions answered at: [email protected]. To register please include your name, address and phone number. Our Instagram: @workingwormsnc. If you want to get involved right away we really need help organizing – please get in touch.
“It’s marvelous that vermicomposting, our best mechanism for preventing methane release from landfills, also improves the health of our soils and ecosystems, the quality and affordability of our food and, our own health.“

Sponsored by the Carrboro Vermicomposting Project – Funded by the town of Carrboro