
There’s under a month until Election Day (November 7) and a few weeks until early voting kicks off.

This post details everything you need to know about voting in-person.

What races are there?

In Chapel Hill, the mayor seat and 4 council seats are up for grabs.

In Carrboro, the mayor seat and 3 council seats are up for grabs.

Everyone in Carrboro and Chapel Hill will also vote for 4 seats for School Board for the Chapel Hill – Carrboro City Schools.

Where can I learn more about these candidates?

We have  compiled a list of every forum and questionnaire that candidates have participated in. We also have interviews with all of the school board candidates (in Spanish and English) and a detailed guide to each Carrboro and Chapel Hill candidates’ party history and municipal voting history.

Early voting: What are the sites and when does it start?

Early voting will take place at five sites. You can go to any site during early voting. You can also register to vote at an early voting site during early voting. A photo ID is required to vote: this can include a driver’s license, UNC OneCard, passport, or another photo ID accepted by the North Carolina Board of Elections.

The sites are:

Orange Works at Hillsborough Commons

113 Mayo St Hillsborough

Open October 19-20, October 23-Nov. 3

Carrboro Town Hall

108 Bim Street

Open October 26-Nov. 3

Seymour Senior Center

2551 Homestead Road

Open October 26-Nov. 3

Chapel of the Cross

304 E Franklin St

Open October 26-Nov. 3

Chapel Hill Library

100 Library Drive

Open October 26-Nov. 3

Weekday hours: 8-6, except Halloween (8-5)

Saturday hours: 8-3

Sunday hours: 12-4

Mel is a journalist and librarian. Outside of work, she volunteers as a reading tutor at Carrboro Elementary School, writes about journalism for a variety of publications, and serves as chair of the OWASA...