
Eliazar Posada is the only current member of Carrboro Town Council who is running for reelection for a seat on town council. (Barbara Foushee is running for mayor and both Sammy Slade and Susan Romaine are not running for reelection.)

Posada’s campaign slogan is “Making Carrboro a Home for All.” He began his work in community with El Centro Hispano as a Community Specialist and grew to be Acting President and CEO, where he led the programs and advocacy efforts that impact the low income, LGBTQ and undocumented communities. He currently sits on the board of directors for The Chamber of Commerce for a Greater Chapel Hill and Carrboro and Enlace Latino NC.

We interviewed Posada via email about his campaign and the future of Carrboro.

Make your 2023 municipal election voting plan

Beginning with the 2023 municipal elections, North Carolina voters will be required to show photo ID when they check in to vote. Voters who vote by mail will be asked to include a photocopy of an acceptable ID when returning their ballot by mail.

Check your voter registration now. You can look it up here. This is really important particularly if you’ve moved in the past year.

Make a plan to vote during early voting.
This ensures that if there’s a problem, you can sort it out. Early voting runs from October 19-November 4. Here is the complete schedule of voting sites, dates, and times for Orange County.

Read about the new voter ID requirements. Every vote counts in North Carolina, and this information must be shared early and often. If you know of people who have just moved here, or students, or new neighbors, please let them know about registering and the voter ID requirements.

Read all of Triangle Blog Blog’s 2023 election coverage

What are your focus areas for the council race?

I want to make sure that Carrboro continues on the right track and finish the work we have started. Affordable housing continues to be my top priority. I want to see a Carrboro where everyone who works in town can live in town.

Representation and racial equity is a key area where Carrboro has much work to do. Whether its appointment to our boards and commissions, development and zoning decisions or establishing a language access plan, racial equity has to be a driver in those decisions.

I also want to see equitable transportation. We need more greenways, side walks, bike lanes, inclusive bus routes and various forms of transportation so that our communities can interact with all areas of our town.

What are three things that you believe the town could be doing better?

First thing that comes to mind is that as a town we could be looking for more creative ways to address housing in town. We have to find a way to leverage our zoning responsibility to encourage better development and more housing that will be affordable for our community.

We could also do better in engaging with the community. While we have many forms of engagement now and the town staff is taking great steps forward, we could do better. The language access plan that I am working on with staff, will be a step in that direction. I see a major part of our town’s responsibility is to inform and engage with our community in a language they understand. I am not only speaking of the language, but on how we present and deliver information. While many in our community are college-educated English speakers, not everyone is. We should be taking time and resources to ensure all of our community can understand what is happening in town and on the council.

Lastly, I would like to see the council continue to be action-oriented. Too many decisions in town take much longer than necessary. I want the Carrboro community to be able to see projects moving in town and see results sooner.

What are the things you think the town currently is doing right?

I am excited to see the town is hiring staff and filling much needed positions to start moving things forward. A key part of our town is to deliver for the community by having folks who value the community working for the town. With the increase in staff hiring and services can be delivered better, projects can move faster and we can do more.

We have adopted plans that continue to serve the needs of the community while providing a vision on how we will be reaching our goals and vision. I am happy to live and serve in a town where we value equity, actively combat climate change, support local businesses and create opportunities for the community to come together and interact with the town, but of course there is still much work to do.

I am also excited to see long stalled projects move forward, such as the Bolin Creek Greenway community engagement process and the town library. Our current council is taking action and I am excited to support candidates who will continue to make our council action driven.

How has your experience on the Carrboro Town Council informed your decision to re-run?

I have learned a lot on council about how things move and how the town impacts the lives of our residents every day. While on council I have worked to help move forward on our priorities and attempted to make space for the community.

I am excited to have been a part of investing more in affordable housing and see the language plan I have been working on since day one is moving forward.

I ran last year to be a voice for many in our community who do not see themselves on our Council. Since then I have seen how I have shown up and perspectives I have brought to the table have impacted folks. I decided to run again to continue the work.

We know that feedback the Council receives does not reflect Carrboro’s population. How will you ensure your decision making process takes into account the perspectives of people who may not have the time or resources to attend council meetings?

Yes. I have been doing my best to bring in perspectives from all areas of our town. I have also attempted to use my ability to question and provide comments on council discussions to bring those conversions to a community level.

We need to ensure that everyone in town can see their perspectives heard, no matter if you are retired, working 60 hours a week, have a college degree, speak fluent English or have the resources to email the council or attend a council meeting.

We’re curious how you plan to engage with constituents. We know some people use social media or office hours or newsletters – what’s your plan to let people know what’s up?

I think having conversations with the community is a basic and fundamental responsibility of an elected official. I have worked to make myself accessible to anyone who wishes to speak to me or hear where I am coming from. First, I have regular “Cafecito Hours”, my version of Office Hours, where I invite the community to come talk or ask me anything usually at a local coffee shop on the weekend. I will continue to hold those.

Second, I have always provided my personal cell phone number to folks in town who rather text or call me about questions they may have. That will continue to be available to anyone who wants it. And lastly, I do my best to stay engaged with the community on social media. I have often posted highlights of the Council meeting and decision made, as well as consistently responding to questions and feedback I receive on all of my social accounts.