It was gone, the library promised it would be back, and now the Chapel Hill Library App is back, and better than ever! Take this link to learn more, and to download it to your phone or tablet.
As someone who eternally loses track of his library card, and has often found himself without the card, I know the pain. One of the great things about having the app, is you can bring up your card on your phone and use it to check out books. You can also use it to renew, and see what you have checked out. I am going give you a quick tour of the app, but it is by no means a complete walk through.

If you have never used it before, you will need to register. The first time you log on, you can just scan you physical library card, and the password will usually be the last 4 digits of your library card. If you have forgotten the password, the best thing to do is have a librarian reset it for you the next time you are at the library. I have found the option to reset it on the library web site not reliable. I strongly suggest you assign a username unless you can remember a 15 digit number!

Once you are past that, it is easy. You return to the app and log in. On this screen, if you have your card with you, you can tap that little picture of the bar code and then scan your library card.

Once your are on, the app gives you a quick rundown on any books due soon, and fees and other important things. Most of the time, I just want the virtual library card to check out a book, you can reach it by clicking the rectangle in the upper right corner

This display can be used under the scanner to check out a book

You can also see what you have checked out and renew any books you haven’t finished reading.

On this screen, any book(s) or other media checked out is displayed, and if you can renew it, it is just a few taps and you are done. I am terrible in keeping track of my due dates, and since you no longer get a little card to keep tabs on the due date, it is easy to forget. The app keeps you out of fees.
Well, that is it. I am glad the app is back, and I encourage you to get it for your device!