The Chapel Hill , Carrboro holiday parade will be taking place on December 7th at 10AM. Members of the Bicycle Alliance of Chapel Hill and the Carrboro Bicycle Coalition cordially invite you to join us!

Since 2014, we have also given out coffee, and also sometimes delicious baked goods. We are back again with the coffee from Carrboro Coffee co.

This is from the first time, 2014. I am giving out free coffee to parade watchers from my bike.

We want you to join us!

Ever wanted to be in a parade? Here is your chance. We’d love to see as many bikes as possible, especially cargo bikes carrying gifts and kids in Christmas sweaters.

A cargo bike and a trailer, carries a tree and gifts!

How to join us

Meet us at 140 West Franklin street by 9:30 AM. We will be easy to spot, there will be bikes of all kinds, people in Santa hats, and me with my cargo bike and plenty of coffee if you need a morning. Jolt. Can. We see you there?

We went with cargo bikes a couple of years ago to carry more coffee !

John Rees lives in Chapel Hill. He was, until very recently, a member of the Chapel Hill Planning Commission and former chair. He serves on the board of the Bicycle Alliance of Chapel Hill, and is also...