by Triangle Free Bike Repair
Our next free bike repair clinic is set for Sunday, November 17 (one week from today) from 9 to 11AM at the Carrboro Town Commons. If you have a bike that needs some TLC, bring it to the clinic!
Do you know how to pump up tires, fix flats, adjust brakes, or work on bikes in general? We would love for you to help! As the repair clinics get busier, more hands makes a big difference. (We’re also planning on holding some clinics/classes and creating spaces to more intentionally share these skills/knowledge with folks interested in learning.)
Outside of fixing bikes — do you like talking to folks and want to help us coordinate the clinic? This is a straightforward role that helps everyone out a lot especially when the folks fixing bikes are in the middle of doing so. Basically just talking to people arriving & giving them the run-down of what is going on. We can fill you in!
It’s also really wonderful when folks bring chairs and food and drinks to share. Come hang out, let us know if you’re interested in helping or bringing things. <3
If you are around this Wednesday, November 13 at 3pm, come meet us in front of Weaver St. Market in Carrboro for a mini interest meeting followed by putting up flyers. (You don’t have to help us flyer if you attend the mini meeting, but you can if you want!).
Take care of yourselves and your neighbors and your friends. Let’s get organized and get connected and support one another and stand in solidarity against racism, genocide and state violence in all of the forms it takes abroad and at home, from Gaza to the cities and communities of the triangle.
We keep us safe, we take care of each other.
With love,
Triangle Free Bike Repair