Even if you’ve registered to vote and voted in every single election, it’s important to check your voter registration to ensure everything looks good.

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Here’s how to do that: Check your registration status by entering your information into the North Carolina Board of Elections Voter Search, also known as the “voter lookup.” You will need to submit your first and last name. To narrow your search results, you can add more information, such as your year of birth or county, but that is optional. With this tool, you will be able to find publicly available information, including your:

  • Voter registration status.
  • Election Day polling place.
  • Sample ballots for upcoming elections.
  • Voting districts.
  • Past elections you participated in, called “voter history.”

If you don’t find yourself, we have a detailed guide on how to register to vote in NC in 2024. We’ve also made social cards, to share with every type of person you may know in North Carolina. Please download them and share them on social media.