Childs bikes parked next tp the en trance of the RENA Community Center
Weather Permitting Bike Rodeo

On Friday volunteers worked together to run the RENA Community Center‘s annual bike rodeo. Held annually, the event ensures that kids attending the RENA community center summer camp have safe bikes to ride and that they know the rules of the road and have the skills they need to ride safely.

We had help from members of the Carrboro Bicycle Coalition and the Bicycle Alliance of Chapel Hill. We also got mechanical assistance from Scott at The Bicycle Chain and Luke from ReCycleRy.

Mechanics work on bikes

The rodeo begins with bike checks—making sure everyone has inflated tires, working brakes, and handlebars that work for their height—and helmet checks to be sure everyone has a correct-fitting helmet. Helmets were obtained from the Town of Chapel Hill Safe Routes to Schools Coordinator

Once bikes and helmets and riders are ready, the participants learn how to do the “ABC” bike check and then practice bike handling skills and safety drills. The final skill practiced is balancing at slow speeds by participating in the popular “slow” bike race (the last person to cross the finish line—without putting their foot down along the way—wins).

Youth on bikes prepare to ride to the challenges

In the past ten years, we have worked with well over 200 young riders in the Rogers Road neighborhood. It’s gratifying to see so many kids riding through the various safety courses and learning how to use bike hand signals. They have a lot of fun riding all the challenges.

The bike rodeo finishes with a bike ride through the Phoenix Place neighborhood, led by members of the Orange County Sheriff’s department.

John Rees lives in Chapel Hill. His day job is an enterprise architect for a big IT company. He was, until very recently, a member of the Chapel Hill Planning Commission and former chair. He serves on...