The powerful solar storm that hit Earth on Friday created breathtaking displays of pinks, purples, and greens in the night sky, including in our neck of the woods.
There’s a chance we’ll be able to see them tonight: prime viewing spots include Mapleview Dairy and Jordan Lake. You want to go to a spot without light pollution. If you can’t see them with your eyes, try taking a photo with your phone: it captures more of the light spectrum and you may be able to see the aurora that way.
Reader Joonhyung Cho, of Chapel Hill, sent us these photos.

Jenn Weaver, the former Mayor of Hillsborough, sent in these photos.

Reader Erin Eckert writes, “I live 2-3 miles outside Hillsborough, due south of the 40/85 split – thanks rural buffer! These were all 6 second night sight exposures on my Pixel phone camera between 10 and 11:15.”

Susana Fajardo sends these in from Chapel Hill:

If you took photos last night and want to share, email them to [email protected]. Here are some tips for taking photos tonight.