Image reads Celebrate civics with Triangle Blog Blog's holiday party party

It’s been a big year for Triangle Blog Blog.  And a big year for Chapel Hill and Carrboro civic life. Now that the municipal election is over, and we’re heading into the holiday season, it’s time to celebrate as a community.

Yes, this means a party party.

  • When: This Sunday Sunday, December 3rd
  • Where: Beer Study, 504 W. Franklin St.
  • What: Pizza, from Italian Pizzeria III, maybe some cake, and beverages. We provide the pizza and cake, you handle the beverage part.
  • Why: It’s important to reflect and have a bit of fun.
  • Activities: There will be a station for thank you card writing to town staff and people who ran for elected office. We also want to think about what the blog blog can do in 2024. Have ideas? Bring them!
Image reads Celebrate civics with Triangle Blog Blog's holiday party party

We celebrated our first birthday at Beer Study in March. It seems so long ago. There won’t be green beer this time, but there will be pizza and good cheer.

Triangle shaped birthday cake flanked by green beer

Come out for a few minutes or stay for the duration. Say hi and meet some of the writers and editors that have helped grow the Triangle Blog Blog. Join us!

John Rees lives in Chapel Hill. His day job is an enterprise architect for a big IT company. He was, until very recently, a member of the Chapel Hill Planning Commission and former chair. He serves on...