The blog bloggers have been greeting voters at the polls since the start of early voting on Thursday, and we’ve had a great time meeting with voters and providing information so they can make smart choices.

One item that voters have found super helpful are the endorsement handouts that we prepared as part of our election guide. We’ve printed the handouts on two-sided paper.

One set features endorsements received by the mayoral and town council candidates in Chapel Hill, with endorsements for school board candidates on the back.

The other set features endorsements received by the mayoral and town council candidates in Carrboro, with endorsements for school board candidates on the back. (You can check our work here—we list all primary sources and have added additional endorsements released since we printed our sheets.)

The feedback from voters has been incredible. So many have told us they’re grateful for the information. Many people have already printed them using the PDFs we posted on our website last week.

We’re encouraging you to print them for others.

To make it easy for you, we have produced two handouts that are ready for printing.

Here’s the one for Chapel Hill, with the mayoral and town council candidates in Chapel Hill on one side, and endorsements for school board candidates on the back.

Here’s the one for Carrboro, with the mayoral and town council candidates in Carrboro on one side, and endorsements for school board candidates on the back.

They are ready to print and distribute to voters.

Print as many as you like, and hand them out yourself, give them to a poll greeter, post them on a billboard, hand them out on a local campus, or attach them to a sign.

We want as many voters as possible to see this information before Election Day on November 7.

Can you help?