There are quite a few bike and transit events taking place this week. Here are a summary of what’s on tap:

Tuesday (today)

Go Chapel Hill is hosting an employee transit fair from 8am-1pm that includes demos of e-bikes and an unveiling of some new covered bike racks at Chapel Hill Town Hall. This is not specifically a public event, but it’s notable because it illustrates the town’s commitment to alternative transportation and e-bikes. Oh, and there’s a jam and jellies contest.

Wednesday, September 14

UNC is hosting a bike auction. Every year, the university auctions all the bikes students leave behind the previous year. As you expect, there are a lot of junkers, but occasionally, some pretty amazing bikes appear. Here are the details. You MUST register to participate. Proceeds go to funding more bike racks and other minor campus bike projects – the auction takes place in the Business School Deck.

Details and information about registration here.

Thursday, September 15

Volunteers will be assisting the town perform traffic counts on Merritt Mill Road to see if it warrants some bike lanes on at least part of that road. With some developments near the Lincoln Center, these bike lanes would be welcome. Merritt Mill is wide, so there’s plenty of room. We think all spots are taken, but message John Rees if you want to take part or watch.

Friday, September 16

The Bicycle Alliance and some UNC bike advocates are hosting a short bike ride that will start and end in The Pit. It is primarily orientated to UNC students, faculty and staff, but all are welcome to join in the fun.
Details here:


John Rees lives in Chapel Hill. His day job is an enterprise architect for a big IT company. He was, until very recently, a member of the Chapel Hill Planning Commission and former chair. He serves on...