
It’s the first of June – wow! Have a rabbit rabbit on us for a month of good luck and enjoy today’s curated selection of news and media items that we found interesting, funny, useful, or important.


June is Pride Month! Happy Pride to all who celebrate! Over in Carrboro, Mayor Damon Seils didn’t let a broken chain stop him from kicking things off with a Pride Ride! Love that megaphone, Mayor Seils!

A TriBlogBlog contributor shared this article on the evolution of NIMBY-ism adding, “I know Freddie deBoer is a bit problematic (to use an old euphemism), but this is good. I appreciate the work the OC AHC has done to build a coalition of housing advocates.”  TBB salutes you, Orange County Affordable Housing Coalition!

It’s Time for YIMBYs to Stop Picking Low-Hanging Fruit

We all know housing development is slow. But, do you know what’s even slower to be constructed? INFRASTRUCTURE! This thread from Suraj Patel (Democratic Candidate New York’s 12th Congressional District) shines a spotlight on the interminably slow pace of infrastructure planning, engineering, and construction in the US.

Disclosure: TBB contributor Caroline Dwyer currently works on an FHWA-funded project examining Planning & Environmental Linkages (PEL) in the early planning phases of transportation project development. The goal is to streamline the planning and environmental review processes contributing to long project timelines and unanticipated delays.

Feeling helpless in the face of resistance? Take Action!


If you have a little time: send a letter to Chapel Hill Town Council and Mayor before tonight’s discussion of the American Legion property. Email: [email protected]

If you have more time: Email and virtually attend tonight’s town council meeting at 6:30 PM!

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